Contents of the Search4ip Patent Database

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Bibliographic Data

The basis of our database is the DOCDB – database of the European Patent Office. This world’s largest database with bibliographic data presently contains bibliographic data of 103 offices and associations. Every Thursday, updates, corrections, etc.  are delivered to SIP by the offices. SIP processes this data and complements it, using other sources (offices), with full texts, images, links to the full texts and loads corrections and new data into the Search4ip database. After internally processing the data (duration approximately 1 week) it will be available after the database update in the Search4ip database.

The delay of approx. 1 week after the publication date is necessary in order to be able to process the data accordingly. The advantages of processing the data are that all the offices are updated simultaneously, the data (if available) is available in its entity (bibliographic data and full texts) and a clear time for the database update can be defined.

The contents of the current DOCDB - database are published on the EPO website. Content and extent of bibliographic data in DOCDB. This data is available in the Search4ip database one week after the list’s publication date (Thursday).


Full Text Data

Searchable full texts (claims and descriptions) are presently contained in the database Search4ip for 25 offices

For the following offices full texts are available: AT, AU, BE, Br, CA, CH, CN, DD and DE ,DK, EP, ES, FI, FR, GB, IE,JP, KR, MA, MX, NL, NO, RU, SE, US, WO.

Advice regarding the times. Older data are OCR data, delivered by the offices. Completeness of the data (all publications, all document types) cannot be guaranteed by the offices. Especially old data can contain gaps on which neither the offices nor SIP have any influence.

For other smaller offices and for publications published prior to the aforementioned times you may find the occasional full text. If its number is below 100 they will not be included in the list. A small number of old machine translations for China are available in the database. These do not correspond to the quality and the stock of machine translations in the Invention Navigator Plus solution.

The Invention Navigator Plus Version - Machine Translations

In addition to the Invention Navigator version with the aforementioned data stock we also offer you the Invention Navigator Plus Version. This version offers you an on-demand machine translations if required. These translations are automatically added to the database and are therefore searchable after a database update.

Find further information on the current data stock here.

INPADOC Legal Status Data

In addition to the bibliographic data and full texts the Search4ip database contains the legal status data of the INPADOC database. Countries, times and update intervals in the INPADOC database are constantly changing. New legal status codes are added, legal statuses of the back files are added. New offices are added. The current contents of the legal status database can also be found on the website of the European Patent Office: To current overview of legal status data in the INPADOC database. We are using this data to determine the Simplified Legal Status.

SIP Simplified Legal Status

By using the legal status codes of the INPADOC database, the age of the patents and document types the simplified legal status (published, dead/lapsed, granted, registered design) is created and included in the database Search4ip. It should be noted that the maximum term of the patent is calculated to be 25 years to be sure that no SPC exists. Often the offices deliver the legal status data with delay or not at all. Therefore the INPADOC content can differ from the legal status of the offices. Only when a legal status code for the lapsing of the patent exists, the patent can be marked accordingly. In individual cases the legal status should always be checked directly in the INPADOC database and compared with the role information of the offices.

(By clicking on the simplified legal status display, the INPADOC legal status information is shown and a direct link to the offices’ role information is available.)