Where is confidential data stored?

Public data (bibliographic data, full texts, machine translations, legal status data, images, PDF, legal status codes (PRS)) are hosted with SIP. SIP also hosts the structure of the Knowledge Network, saved searches and result lists. Usually, comments and evaluations are also stored with SIP (standard). SIP carries out backups of the data at 4-hour intervals which means that accidentally deleted data can be restored by SIP.

If required, this data can also be stored within your company (data separation). In this case, however, the company will be responsible for necessary backups and the recovery of data.

In addition, SIP provides the operation of the data separation database in a certified data centre (ISO 27001). With this service, backups, recovery backups, software and hardware updates are performed by SIP.

We are happy to advise you personally. Please call us or send an e-mail to info@s4ip.de.

See also: What is the advantage of the Invention Navigator Knowledge Network solution in comparison to an in-house database?


Last update on 2016-11-09 by Ihrem SIP Team.

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