Invention Navigator Professional
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Our offer for experienced users and Knowledge Network administrators
The Invention Navigator Portable Professional is a solution for researchers and experienced staff in a company who want to search in one of the largest patent databases worldwide (Search4ip).
The Invention Navigator Portable Professional can be used as a standalone solution or as part of a Knowledge Network within a company. For patent professionals in a company it is the gateway to the Knowledge Network. With this version of the Invention Navigator Portable you can create monitoring profiles and set up automatic legal status monitoring. It is used for administration of the Knowledge Network and to assign reading, writing or commenting rights of Knowledge Network users.
Information on analysis and statistic, interactive citation search, automatic applicant merging, researches based on text analysis is offered by the Invention Navigator Portable Premium.
How does the Invention Navigator Portable Professional work?
The Invention Navigator Portable Professional is a software which is used to access SIP's patent databases via the Internet. The software can be downloaded directly from our download page. No administrator's rights are necessary to install the program. The program can be started from a link on the desktop or directly from a USB stick. The software is updated automatically once a new version is launched. With this version you are using an intelligent Windows Client which preloads and processes the required information and makes it available to the user. This allows much faster working.
Once users log in they are connected to the global patent database Search4ip and can perform researches in one of the biggest patent databases. In addition to the research features, users can access the Knowledge Network to share patents, filing structures, comments, evaluations, attachments (link) with other users in the company.
Just like the INav Portable R&D, especially created for less experienced users in R&D, the Professional version was optimized for the fast viewing and capture of patents' contents. Synonym Highlighting, zoomable images and to have all information at a glance are the features supporting the user when efficiently viewing research results. The Invention Navigator Portable Professional differs from the Invention Navigator Portable R&D by additional features.
You can find an overview about the different versions here.
You can individually create search masks with the Invention Navigator as required. Select the search fields (like text field, applicant, legal status, date, country, etc.) as well as the sector you would like to search in (e.g. in the entire stock, in selected folders, in saved lists or searches). Combine these as required. Link them with AND, OR, NOT. You can structure any fields with brackets. This way complex searches are arranged in a simple and fast way. Of course it is also possible to combine and merge searches, lists, folder content. The surface has been designed intuitively and it is easy getting started. You will not have to learn an online retrieval language.
Within the full text search very complex searches can be used in combination with truncations (left, right, middle truncation in the same word), proximity operators, Boolean Operators. Assistants support data entry in other search fields, e.g. Applicant selection, IPC search, search for simplified legal status.
Of course all features of the Invention Navigator Portable R&D are included. You can find further information on the Knowledge Network here.
When searching for keywords, the search terms are highlighted. You can edit these keywords with the Synonym Highlighting. See Synonym Highlighting.
If comments were assigned to a member of a patent family or a document (PDF, Excel, Image format, Word) was attached to a member of a patent family (via link to your drive), the information is instantly visible and researchable. Other users can instantly see and open it. Hits in the list can be marked with "read" or "not relevant" and can easily be hidden or shown at any time when viewing the results.
Result list and detail view
Results from the full text search are sorted according to the SIP-Ranking. Here the best hits are displayed on the top of the result list. The SIP-Ranking is based on the frequency of search terms in specific parts of the patents like title, abstract, claims and descriptions. You can use additional sorting options when needed according to your pre-defined settings and choose the displayed fields like simplified legal status, applicant, inventor, application date, image, title, abstract, "keyword in context", PDF, additional fields, etc. Everything can be displayed as SIP-patent or as patent family. A SIP-patent combines all publications of one office and the latest publication will be displayed. With family view you can set your preferences yourself. Decide which members of a patent family will be displayed.
You can file selected patents in folders ("my folders" or in the Knowledge Network) easily using Drag-and-Drop and thus create a work folder structure (work files).
Regardless whether you want to view monitoring results, carry out researches or view patents in your work files - you can instantly see if a patent has already been commented on or been evaluated.