Legal Status and Family Monitoring

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Looking for Invention Navigator? Our previous patent suite is no longer available. But don’t worry—PatCheck Protection and the PatCheck Extension now offer a faster, more intuitive way to check and monitor patent legal status.

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Legal status and family monitoring is an independent offer made by the SIP Software for Intellectual Property GmbH. You can use this service directly via It is not necessary to use one of the Invention Navigator editions.

Monitoring is carried out in 3 steps:

1. Select your monitoring filters from predefined filters such as lapsed, granted, opposition, applicant etc. or use the INPADOC legal status codes (PRS) to define your own filters. Then decide which countries are to be monitored.

2. Generate new monitoring by entering the patent number (without Kind Code) of a representative of the family to be monitored on the page "add new patent observations". You can assign a name to the monitoring (like a file number or the title of a patent) and decide whether you wish to be informed by an E-mail after a change.

3. When there has been a change you will get an E-mail with several links and the information for which of your monitored patents a change was detected. After clicking on the link and entering your user name and password you will see a website displaying the current changes of legal status.

Legal Status Watch in the Invention Navigator Knowledge Network

Users of an Invention Navigator Knowledge Network can assign patent families to be monitored to "active" folders. These families will automatically be monitored according to your defined filters and the responsible persons will be informed by E-mail after a change. After clicking on the link shown in the E-mail and entering user name and password the current changes of legal status or family will be displayed.

Search and filtering options support you with the administration of your lists. You can remove patent families from the monitoring, change filters and create new monitoring profiles. Monitoring takes place on a weekly basis. The monitoring is based on the legal status data of the INPADOC-database and on changes in the members of the SIP-Patentfamilie.

Costs and Bills

The costs for patent family monitoring depend on the actual time spent on monitoring. Every week, prior to updating the automatic legal status monitoring, we will count the number of patent families in your patent monitoring. We will charge you € 0.20 per week and per patent family. You will receive a an invoice on a quarterly basis or, once monitoring costs reach an amount of 200 €. Complete cost control is ensured by means of this pricing. You will be billed only for the costs that have actually incurred and your portfolio remains flexible.