PatCheck Extension

PatCheck Extension

The PatCheck Extension is an extension for your browser. With this browser extension you can extend the EPO Espacenet, USPTO PPUBS, WIPO Patentscope and Google Patents websites: the legal status of a patent is displayed right next to the number. It is displayed in a simple form: protection effective, protection applied for, no protection. If there is not enough data to determine the legal status with certainty, the user must inspect the files.

By clicking on one of the icons next to the patent numbers you can add patents to the PatCheck Protection table directly in Espacenet.

Another click activates the monitoring notifications, a third click deactivates notifications and removes the patent from your list.

Tip: We have expanded the Espacenet CSV export so that it also contains the protection status of the patents.

The PatCheck Extension can be used without registration. All data generated during the session is lost when the program is closed.

Registered users have the advantage that their data is retained. Another advantage for registered users is that they can be notified of changes in legal status by email.

Whether registered or not registered: using the PatCheck Extension is free. The data of registered users is only required for the functionality of the program. The data is not passed on to third parties.

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Espacenet: PatCheck Extension