PatCheck Protection

PatCheck Protection

PatCheck Protection is a program that automatically determines the legal status of a patent. The legal status is displayed in a simple form: protection effective, protection applied for, no protection. If there is not enough data to determine the legal status with certainty, the user must inspect the files. If the invention has been registered for a patent in other countries, their protection status is also determined and displayed.

The result is summarized in text form and also displayed in a table. By clicking on a patent number, all details of the patent are displayed in Espacenet.

PatCheck Protection can be used without registration. All data that was created during the session is lost when the program is closed.

Registered users have the advantage that their data is retained. Another advantage for registered users is that they can be notified of changes in legal status by email.

Whether registered or not registered: using PatCheck Protection is free. The data of registered users is only required for the functionality of the program. The data is not passed on to third parties.

Explore PatCheck Protection now.