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Which patents do my competitors have? Can this invention be patented? Is our newly developed product free of third-party rights (FTO)? What is the legal status of a particular patent? These and other questions must be answered in patent work. It is not uncommon for patent work to have to be done alongside the actual day-to-day business: little time for a comprehensive and complex topic.

SIP GmbH has been active in the field of patents for 25 years. This experience has enabled us to create a new generation of programs that enable patent work at the highest level even without prior knowledge and ongoing training.

The Patent Protection Check is now the first in a series of upcoming programs that focus on the essentials. The exact result that corresponds to the question is displayed. If the assessment of the situation requires further data, this is automatically generated and also displayed. For example, in order to assess the scope of protection of an invention, it is important to know whether protection has also been applied for or granted for this invention in other countries. The necessary analyses of the patent database and the merging of the results are carried out automatically in the background using SIP's own patent database. Additional data and details relating to the patent can be viewed via a link on Espacenet.