Number Search

If you are looking for individual numbers, enter them in the input screen with or without the document type (e.g. A1) in a ccnnnn (country code, number) format. Then start your search by pressing ENTER or by clicking on the magnifying glass icon next to the input screen.

By clicking on the icon on the right of the magnifying glass symbol, the search window for the number search will open. In this window you may copy a list of numbers or enter them separated by commas or semicolons. This number search is very fault-tolerant and in known cases is able to ignore leading numbers, spaces, etc.. To ensure that no formatting is copied in the list after copying-and-pasting from an Excel list, website or other document, we recommend you to copy the number list in a text editor programme and after having done that to enter the list in the number search.

By clicking on the “Advanced“ tab in the number search window you will be taken to the input screen in which you can search for applicants’ numbers. In this surface it is also possible to use truncation characters (see Search/ Standard Search), which can replace one or more numbers.


Have you received an email or a word document with patent numbers and want to find these patents? Then pull the numbers in the title list or research search mask via drag-and-drop. The patent is immediately found and displayed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the B document shown when I am searching for the A Document?

The SIP patent database Search4ip is designed in a patent/family based manner. An individual SIP-patent includes all publication stages., e.g. EP123456A1, EP123456A3 and EP123456B1. Searching for EP123456A1 will find the SIP-patent EP1234567. However, only the most recent publication, i.e. the granted patent EP123456B1 will be displayed.

If you would like to see the A document, click on the number in the title list and open the detailed view. Here you open the patent family (by clicking on the plus-icon) and then the A document will be displayed by clicking on its number.

The result list contains red numbers. What does this mean?

If you are looking for a whole list with numbers and among them are numbers that could not be found, these “hits” will be shown in red and contain a dummy-date (1.1.1700). By using this dummy-date you can easily filter or search these hits in the large and at times confusing list.