Top IPC/ CPC Analysis

With the help of Top-IPC/ Top-CPC-Analysis you can evaluate how frequently specific IPC/CPC classes are contained in your result and also easily transfer found relevant classes into your research. Before an analysis can be created, open a result list which can be obtained via a research or by opening folders or lists.

The analysis can be performed for all results, regardless of the hits displayed. However, also filtered results (read, unread, not relevant) or selected results can be analysed. Also displayed results can be analysed. Example: You are carrying out a text search. With SIP-Ranking the best hits are displayed on top of the list. Therefore it can be sensible to only analyse the first 50-100 hits.


Choose the desired analysis (Top-IPC, Top-CPC) in the title list menu under analysis. Then you can decide which contents or parts of the list (e.g. all, displayed, selected) you would like to include in your analysis.  A window will open, which will display the selected results sorted by frequency of IPC/ CPC classes.  In the "count" column the amount of patents (SIP- patent, one hit for all publication levels of an office) is displayed. On the right hand side you can see the frequency of all IPC/CPC classes in the entire search4ip database. This information gives you an idea how many hits you would receive if you were to transfer this class into your search.

In the lower part of the TOP-IPC-window the classification tree is displayed. By double clicking on the relevant IPC/CPC class in the upper TOP-IPC/CPC-list the corresponding IPC class will automatically highlighted yellow in the lower tree. There the IPC classes can be selected as know from class search. With the “add to search” button you can transfer the selected IPC classes can be transferred into the search mask. This can be done with multiple classes. With the “Empty” button the already selected classes can be deleted.

Premium Version

In the Premium version you have the option to analyse IPC classes on main group level, sub-classes, classes or section level.

Check the “Selection IPC Level” box on the left bottom, select the desired IPC-hierarchy and click the “Change” button. Now the list sorts itself newly and will display the frequency of the IPC in the newly selected level.